Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Ice is amazing

Just an FYI, really...

I was in Eugene, OR last week. There's a great restaurant you should visit for lunch (Cafe Yumm!). They make the most delicious rice bowls. Anyway, they have this sauce called Yumm! sauce, that I wanted to buy and bring home. Thanks to the darn terrorists, I can't carry it on, so I had to pack it. Anyway, the sauce must remain refrigerated, so the wife of a guy on-site gave me some Ziploc bags to store ice. I packed the Ziplocs with ice, stuck them with the sauce in the big plastic laundry sack from the hotel, thinking, heck, it will only be 3-ish hours for me to get to the airport, fly to SLC and drive home, so it should be OK.
However, as it so happens to the best laid plans, my 6 a.m. flight was canceled, and I had to wait for the 10:00 flight (of course, this happened after I checked in at the airport). THEN, when we landed in SLC, my luggage wasn't on the plane. So, I had resigned myself to the inevitability of throwing away my Yumm! Sauce. My luggage arrived at my place at 10:00 pm Saturday night. I was coming down with a cold, and I was busy reading Harry Potter, so I decided that the sauce was ruined and it could wait to be unpacked and thrown away Sunday morning. So, Sunday morning, I opened my suitcase only to find that there was still ice in the Ziploc bags!! Of course, some of it had melted and leaked onto my clothes, but my Yumm! sauce was saved. I couldn't believe it. Next time, instead of ice, I might just buy frozen peas and try those instead. So, three cheers for insulation!! Just in case any of you want to transport anything chilled from location to locations...